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FurnishHopeDC’s very own Adriane Herbert discusses Food Insecurity with the Washington Post.

Adriane Herbert was standing in a D.C. apartment, dropping off donated furniture that a family had requested from a nonprofit organization, when she heard the children talking.
“I’m hungry. When are we going to eat? I’m hungry,” she recalled them saying to their mother again and again.

Donated furniture is helping break the cycle of homelessness
FurnishHope D.C. is a nonprofit that takes people’s unwanted furniture and gives it to those in need to make their new, stable housing feel like home.

ABC News Kenneth Moton reports on Furnish Hope D.C., a nonprofit in Ward 8 founded by two women dedicated to providing furniture to residents in Ward 7 & Ward 8.

Furnishing Hope

CBS Morning News | James Brown
Nonprofit FurnishHopeDC finds new homes for furniture and helps volunteers find new purpose

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